Commercial Post on Pipe

Due to the soggy environment in the Pacific Northwest we recommend Commercial post on pipe technology for long lasting fences. As per out experience we notice that current standard pressure treated posts don’t last as long especially when post comes into contact with soil. Therefore when it rains cedar fences absorb water and become heavy. Then when in contact with heavy winds some posts tend to snap at the bottom where it was in contact with the soil and therefore rotted over time.
With this amazing solution though we offer an upgrade to a minimum 10 year warranty for the posts. As for the standard pressure treated it is only a 3 year warranty. In this new pipe solution the wooden post is above the ground 2/3 inches. The galvanized pipe (on which the post is installed) goes into the ground about 2 ft deep and concreted in. There for the wooden part of the post does not come in contact with the soil. With commercial post on pipe posts you are investing for the future and peace of mind. This solution is available with both treated and natural clear cedar posts. We recommend getting post solution that doubles the life span of your fence.
We offer two types of post on pipe posts

Pressure Treated
Pressure treated version. – The big difference is we use jumbo pressure treated posts (actual size 4.1/8 x4.1/8 in diameter). This is a very solid choice and more economical price wise than the Clear Cedar posts version.

Cedar Wood
Cedar Version – The big difference is we use natural clear Cedar posts (actual size 3.5×3.5 in diameter). It’s 100% natural Clear Cedar wood no treatment added.

-This solution allows you to enjoy the natural beauty and texture of wood without fear of post deterioration from insects, rot or the passage of time.
-Each cedar post is smooth and cut to a 31/2 x 3 112 dimension. Then it is mounted on a JS/8 OD Schedule 40 pipe. the same pipe that is used underground to carry water. Finally. the cedar post and pipe are connected using a heavy-duty carriage bolt. This provides excellent stability and yet allows for easy replacement in the event of accidental damage.